Our booking engine (Sirvoy) should appear below. Our direct booking is always cheaper and has more availability than alternate engines such as booking.com.
If you would like to book several villas, first input the number of guests and the dates. Once the photo appears which confirms availability, then click on “+ select” to add the villas you require and number of guests in each. Maximum occupancy is 2 guests per villa. We regret that we are unable to accommodate children below 15 years old.
Feel free to give us a call on 03 5433 6292 or 0425 324 850 and we are happy to process your booking over the phone
Payment: Your card will be charged at the time of booking the full amount of the booking.
If you would have received a gift voucher, just write the number in the field or as a comment and we will not charge your card.
Cancellation: reservations can be cancelled up to 14 days ahead of booking with no penalty.
Between 14 days and 7 days prior to booking, 1 night penalty. Less than 7 days : full booking penalty.
If you have any issues with the booking, please do not hesitate to email us at thecellars@heathcote2.com or call us on 03 5433 6292 and we will be happy to assist.